Thursday, January 19, 2012

World Lit

I want to write on what the characters/audience knows vs. what they think they know in The Wild Duck. I was going to say something like the difference between truth and lie makes the audience sympathize towards certain characters which suggests that no one is completely innocent

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Blood Wedding 5

Act 1

"who goes out to the vineyards or his own olive groves, because they are his, inherited"
The word inherited makes me think of royalty and power cause in Spain they believed in divine right for a long time and the thrown would be inherited by the son.

"a man who is like a bull"
The running of the bulls is a big thing in Spain and it seems like a bull is seen as a strong animal and is revered by spanish people.

"One woman with one man, that's it"
The religion come in here. Catholics strongly believe in heterosexual marriage and the church also made divorce illegal.

Act 2

Everything about the orange blossoms is traditional for a spanish wedding and so is the black dress the wife is wearing.

"I wet my hands with blood and licked them with my tongue"
Someone in class said the four red streaks on the bottom left corner of the Spanish flag is from someone putting their friends blood on their shield so to me this is an allusion to the Spanish flag.

"Two sides! There are two sides here!"
This is an allusion to civil war because that is essentially a family fighting itself.

Act 3

The woodcutters could be a symbol for the three fates which are Greek and since Lorca lived in such a diverse area Greek playwright had an influence on him

"You must follow the course of your blood"
Lorca had an influence of Greek tragedy and they were believer of fate so the following your blood might be an allusion to fate in that it controls your life sompletely

"And thorns around my head"

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Blood Wedding 3

It seems like the bride and leonardo are the most miserable in the play. Neither of them seem to be happy about their current relationship situation. Anytime the maid talks about the wedding or consummating their marriage the bride gets angry and is quick to change the subject plus whenever leonardo is around she speaks in longer sentences and kind of hints that she is unhappy and wants to be with him but never says it.

I think Lorca uses the young people to show that marriage is more complicated than it may seem. The kids dont fully understand what is going on between the bride, bridegroom, and Leonardo, they just think everything is happy because it's the day of a wedding.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Blood Wedding 1

Mother is being characterized as someone that seems to be on edge. She is skeptical about her son's engagement and connects everything to the topic of her husband and son dying. Also when she is talking about grandchildren she says she wants six so she can be at peace which seems a little bit selfish

Bridegroom so far is more laid back and is more focused on his engagement than anything

Neighbor is in to gossip and likes to talk about other people but not in a bad way

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Antigone 4

Creon: She,too. They are all asleep. It must be a good sleep
Page: I don't know sir

I can't find any meaning but im guessing these lines would contain the most connections to the culture because it is at the very end and it seems like Creon now knows all the answers. The sleep part does however connect to what the Chorus was saying about how tragedy creates tranquility. Creon seems to accept the fact that by him declaring Poly. to be eaten by dogs and what not he subsequently killed the rest of his family. That is also the main point of the long part for the Chorus. It/he/they say that any one little thing can start a tragedy and after that it willl all happen without our help. Now that I think about it these lines are more of a proof for the Chorus that what is said about tragedies is actually true.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Antigone 2

Antigone goes to see Haemon
Antigone and Haemon fight and Antigone leaves
Antigone went to bury Poly.
Nurse catches Antigone outside
Antigone and Nurse talk
Ismene and Antigone talk about burying Poly.
Ismene leaves and Haemon comes in
Antigone and Haemon talk about their fight
Haemon leaves and Ismene comes back in

Antigone 1

I would have a spotlight that would go over each character as they are introduced. The scene would be very dark and the only thing the audience would be able to see is the spotlighted character. Also as each character is spotlighted I would have them do whatever action it is they were doing but more exaggerated. I don't know why but I think that would be a good way to set the stage and by emphasizing each characters action that would help characterize each person.
As far as the stage goes I would have it be all black with the a stair case like one on a porch with no railings be right in the middle. Antigone would be on the top with the nurse next to her. The guards would be standing on the bottom step and ground playing their cards and everyone else would be to the right of them scattered along the steps.